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Reflections of Jupiter and Mars

Jupiter spots Mars across the sky in the final degree of Leo.

"Hey, buddy, what did you learn while you were in Leo since June?" He shouted.

"Whew! Let me tell you about it because it was a lot!" Mars trembled a little while he thought back.

"Well, that's what I love to hear!" Jupiter was pleased.

"I learned about consideration before moving forward too fast and running wildly on an ego trip. I practiced having patience before leaping into harmful conversations and causing miscommunication. I got to see from another angle, a more in depth one. It really put me in someone else's shoes.

"I became more aware of my reflection and what I was showing by another's projection. And it was actually nice to see. It was what I would want to reflect. It was love, and it healed my heart in a way that has never been possible before. At the same time, it hurt me to see the other was afraid of love, but I softened to understand. I went deeper into my own heart instead of closing it due to another's reaction.

"I have to say, I felt a little alone and isolated in my understanding of what was happening. It was very tempting to feel isolation and self-pity, yet I managed to pull through and view myself as strong and independent because of the strength of my love. Even when it might be frightening to others, I did not want to give up that part of me.

"And when I met up with Venus, she confirmed my growth. My confidence was restored at a whole new level. That feminine energy is valuable, and I cherished it more than ever for my own personal well-being, balance, and harmony within."

Jupiter was ecstatic realizing that while he had been in Pisces, these lessons in love had been shining through all around and shared with Mars, "That sounds perfect! What I saw lit up in Pisces was expansion of individuals to become stronger and clearer examples of truth. The display of colors went far beyond the colors of the rainbow. They went into other realms and realities. It is difficult to portray in words. In those colors, I saw replacement of projection with reflection. I saw regeneration of individuals' skin, falling away to form new and deeper love for others. It all formed a beautiful, vibrant collective force that included All.

"Now, here we are joining together for a balance of energies. Across the sky, we form a band of new individual ideas that stirs the hearts of many because it is based in truth, acceptance, and in love. Amazing!"

"Yes, it is all very amazing!" Mars agreed, happy that he could share this balanced approach even in opposition.

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